Symbiosis Electronic Medical Record System (EMR)

We had initiated software development project called Symbiosis Electronic Medical Record System with an intention to support hospitals by providing software solutions for hospital management. Symbiosis Electronic Medical Record System is an organized computerized system designed and programmed to deal with day to day operations and management of the hospital activities. It is a way to automate all the internal processes and workings of a hospital, its patients, and the workforce. Symbiosis Electronic Medical Record system is designed to have certain basic features of Hospital. But, clients can always choose to have custom options and extended features and functionalities such as clinic management system, laboratory management system and pharmacy management system. In our country most of the hospitals/clinics uses a manual registry process. however, modern technology like desktop applications, web applications and mobile apps brought huge changes in healthcare management systems.

Components of Symbiosis eMR

The system is designed for multi-specialty hospitals, to cover a wide range of hospital administration and management processes. It is an integrated end-to-end Hospital Management System that provides relevant information across the hospital to support effective decision making for patient care, hospital administration and critical financial accounting, in a seamless flow.
while developing eMR, it is imperative to understand the hospital’s list of functions. Here, we have listed out basic components of a eMR system. They are as follows:

Patient Registration and Management
This module takes care of all the incoming patients. Here, the system collects all the information on patients. It includes information on health conditions, medical history, and other medical reports of the patient.
Queue and Appointment Management
A hospital may have multiple specialty departments.
With this feature: The staff can check and book patient’s appointment in different department. The system maintains patient queue. Patients can view their queue on the screen. The help-desk feature support patients by displaying on the screen where their file is forwarded.
Admin Module
With this module Admin can manage department of hospitals, doctor, nurse, pharmacist, laboratorist, user accounts. Admin can view transaction reports of patient payment, medicine status of hospital stock, manage resources.
Ward/resource management
The system automates ward management to save time and control different departments.  With this module employees can be assigned to different departments in the hospital. Different ward activities can be performed such as bed allocation, bed transfer, assign nurses.
Staff management
This module uses to track, manage and report on employee information. The staff management module within the system lets you handle the employee profile, user account, user roles, and more. This module is used to generate a well-defined payroll processing and comprehensive reports & analysis.
This module includes all the calculations of the financial details of both patients and hospitals. It includes; payment Information, payroll, and other related things. This module is used to record the charges for the patient services provided by the various clinical departments. This module facilitates for generating bills.
OPD and IPD Management
This module gives you a detailed outlook on patient clinical management providing the clinician to take care of all clinical and order based information. The IPD module is used to reserve the room for admission. It takes into account the capacity of the resources available.
Medicine and Pharmacy
This module facilitates dispensing of pharmaceutical items to in-patients, outpatients and external-patients. It communicates with ward and billing modules. This module aids the pharmacists of In-Patient-Pharmacy in dispensing prescriptions sent by the Ward & Consultants. It also maintains the stock of the drugs.
Laboratory and Radiology Management
lab manager shall take the requests for the test pertaining to the patients. After the acknowledgment of the samples via the system, the module takes care of the further processes. Users can upload diagnostic report and preview of report files like x-ray images and other reports
Report Generation and Analysis
This module generates reports based on the data in the system. Statistical reports and analysis can be generated in this module such as patient reports, financial reports, performance analysis and more. In addition to the routine reports, some specific reports related to supporting agencies, and government reports are also incorporated.

Importance of Symbiosis Electronic Medical Record System

Quick Processing Power
Cost Efficient
Error Elimination
Secured Data and Easy Information Retrieval
Enhanced Patient Care
Quality Assurance
Easy Decision Making
Easy Appointment Management
Technical Advancement
Paperless Environment

Who can use this eMR software?
